The ancient pyramids on Earth hold a significant place in human history and serve as a testament to the knowledge, ingenuity, and scientific advancements of various civilizations throughout time. The Egyptian pyramids are perhaps the most famous and iconic pyramids. Built during the Old Kingdom period (c. 2686-2181 BCE), these monumental structures were tombs for pharaohs and served as a symbol of their divine power and eternal afterlife. The construction of the pyramids required advanced knowledge in mathematics, engineering, architecture, and astronomy. The Great Pyramid of Giza, built for Pharaoh Khufu, is the largest and most well-known pyramid, showcasing the ancient Egyptians' mastery in precise engineering and astronomical alignment.
The Maya civilization, concentrated in present-day Central America, constructed remarkable pyramids between 200 and 900 CE. Mayan pyramids were multi-functional, serving as ceremonial and religious centers, astronomical observatories, and platforms for royal ceremonies. The pyramids often incorporated intricate carvings, hieroglyphs, and sophisticated mathematical and astronomical calculations, showcasing the Maya's knowledge of these fields. The Aztecs, based in present-day Mexico, built impressive pyramids between the 14th and 16th centuries CE. The Aztecs excelled in engineering, architecture, and urban planning, with their pyramids reflecting their scientific and mathematical expertise. In ancient Sudan, the Nubians constructed their own pyramids between 300 BCE and 350 CE. These smaller pyramids, often located near the Nile River, served as tombs for Nubian kings and queens. Pyramids can also be found in other parts of the world, such as the stepped pyramids of ancient Mesopotamia (e.g., the Ziggurats), the Chinese pyramids, and the Meroë pyramids of Sudan. Each of these pyramids represented the knowledge and skills of their respective civilizations.
Overall, the construction of ancient pyramids required expertise in fields such as mathematics, engineering, architecture, astronomy, and religious symbolism. These structures served as a testament to human excellence, demonstrating the intellectual and technical abilities of ancient civilizations. They also provided insights into the societies' religious beliefs, cultural practices, and the importance of centralized power. Today, these pyramids stand as historical and archaeological marvels, offering glimpses into our shared human heritage.

Nevertheless, the ancient pyramids spread on earth also transfer one big lesson to the contemporary world i.e. the use of pyramid shape as a model for the achievement of excellence in every walk of life. The pyramid model can similarly be applied to human resource development and the structure of the state in terms of grooming, promotion, and the rise of competent individuals within different organs of the state. The pyramid model can be employed to illustrate the progression and development of human resource within an organization or a state. The Pyramid Model is a comprehensive, multi-tiered framework of evidence-based practices that promotes the social, emotional, and behavioral development of young children. The emphasis of this framework is to support all children at the universal level, thereby decreasing the need for more intensive intervention. In fact, when implementing the Pyramid Model framework effectively, only a very small percent of children will need intensive intervention. The guiding principles of this model include promoting skill building with enough intensity to affect change, implementing strategies in the context of naturally occurring routines and environments, and modifying strategies so they are responsive to the cultural and linguistic diversity of families and children.

At the base of the pyramid, you have a broad pool of skilled employees or citizens. As individuals gain experience, skills, and knowledge, they move up the pyramid through training, professional development, and opportunities for growth. This progression could involve promotions, expanded responsibilities, and specialized training. The pyramid model emphasizes the need for a solid foundation of skilled and competent individuals at the base, with a smaller number of individuals reaching higher levels of expertise and leadership roles as you move up the pyramid.
In the context of the state structure, the pyramid model can be used to describe the hierarchical system of governance and the rise of competent individuals in

different organs of the state. At the base of the pyramid, you have the general population, while the higher levels represent various branches of government, administrative bodies, and specialized agencies. Individuals progress through the pyramid by demonstrating competence, expertise, and leadership qualities. This progression may involve opportunities for promotion, appointment to higher positions, or elected offices. The pyramid model here highlights the importance of identifying and cultivating capable individuals within the state apparatus, ensuring that the most competent, dedicated and honest individuals occupy key positions. It's worth mentioning that the actual implementation of these concepts and the structure of state institutions can vary significantly across different countries and political systems.

In a country like Pakistan suffering from the frequent rise of incompetent, dishonest and corrupt characters in almost every field, the adoption and true implementation of a pyramid model as a compulsion has to be given a complete constitutional and legal cover. So far, the state of Pakistan has mostly experienced an upside down pyramid model similar to a Ponzi Scheme where fraudsters sitting at the top attempt to make money solely by recruiting new participants into a program, that is also called a pyramid( Ponzi) scheme, and there is only one possible mathematical result – collapse. Imagine if one participant must find six other participants, who, in turn, must find six new recruits each. In only 11 layers of the “down line,” you would need more participants than the entire population of the State to maintain the scheme. In most of the private investment schemes in Pakistan, this is pretty discernible. The same is true for public sector, where corruption breeds and incompetence rise by forming syndicates of like minded people among all pillars of the state.

In both private and public sectors and especially for the legislature, judiciary and the executives, the pyramid model emphasizes the need for a strong foundation of skilled individuals and the progressive selection and promotion of the most competent individuals to higher levels of responsibility. It promotes the idea of meritocracy, where individuals are recognized and rewarded based on their abilities, character, competence and contributions. However, it's essential to ensure that such systems are transparent, fair, and free from bias, chances of nepotism to avoid favoritism or exclusion of talented individuals based on factors other than merit. If any individual or institution grins and claims that the pyramid model is already being followed, then they should at least show one project that stands majestically as tall as an ancient pyramid or claim at least one proud heritage that is worth preserving in an enduring pyramid. The absence of both may just be taken as indication of the fact that we as a state and civilization are still far away from achieving the zenith where the pyramid civilization had been thousands of years ago. Looking at present and future, Pakistan needs to put in efforts to excel in order to reach out to Moon and Mars and be in step with marvels of Artificial Intelligence and other high technologies. There is no dearth of talent; only missing honest and competent leadership in every field, who could enable people to climb up in fair competition to reach top of the pyramid.
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